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National Pesticide Information Retrieval System NPIRS® SUBSCRIPTION APPLICATION

Asterisk (*) indicates required field

*Please select NPIRS annual subscriptions:

* A “Search” in the NPIRS subscription system will be defined as the collection of information displayed once a user has identified the criteria for the query and submitted it for the results. In addition, since a “refined search” alters the results of an initial search it therefore counts as a separate search.

As a NSPIRS participant, you may add up to 20 NPIRS user accounts.
Please complete the following information for each NPIRS user ID requested.
Please note: The first user information entered will be the primary contact for the account.



In NPIRS, the billing contact is the person who authorizes payment.
Use same company information as the primary contact


Same as billing contact
In NPIRS, the accounts payable contact is the person who receives the invoice and remits payment.

An NPIRS Billing Authorization signed by the party responsible for payment must accompany a Subscription Application. Only one Billing Authorization is required per company.

  • Purdue University will invoice annually for the NPIRS subscription fee and monthly for database usage.
  • Please do NOT send fees with your subscription application. When billed, make payments to PURDUE UNIVERSITY in the amount specified on the invoice.
  • Purchase orders, contracts, agreements, etc. have to be reviewed and approved by Purdue University’s Contract and Grant Business Affairs office prior to start of a new subscription.
  • Subscriptions are automatically renewed in subsequent years unless Purdue University is notified of the subscriber’s intent to cancel.

By searching the NPIRS websites, you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions set forth in our Terms of Use policy.


I have reviewed the current subscription rates and authorize payment of charges incurred. I understand that NPIRS® information is the intellectual property of CERIS and Purdue University. I agree that I will not reformat, reuse, or redistribute any NPIRS® information for commercial use, paid or otherwise, without prior written permission from the National Pesticide Information Retrieval System at CERIS.
* Required
